Yalla!Hub Support

It’s always a pleasure for our support team to help you, but please be sure you have an order question. If there’s a question of any other kind, it’s better to contact your Manager directly.

01. Сlick on the icon at the bottom right

02. Fill in the form in English:
  • Company name: strictly use your company name the way it is (e.g., if your company’s name is LuxuryMakeup, please stick to the writing and don’t use different forms like Luxury, LMakeup, etc) — this will help us to answer you faster
  • Order ID: from the platform where the order was created (e.g., Shopify or Amazon)
  • Contact email: better use the same email for correspondence with us, because all previous correspondence will be retrieved using this
  • Comment: a problem or question

03. We send a request with an SLA of up to 20 minutes.
Have a question about the order?
If the support team needs more time to sort it out, we will give the first answer in 20 minutes and then come back with the second answer.
The reply will come in the email.